Tuesday, November 21, 2006

yeeeeeeaaah let's shoot some more

so far so good... but we can do more!
let's all meet tomorow (except nico, have a good trip!) and shoot some more projections!
what do you say?

time and place tba


Bibia said...

OK. But be more precise, what time, where?
The best for me would probably around 5pm.
Do you want to redo the library scenes or do street scenes?

ramyo said...

les deux mon capitaines!

let's meet in front of pfa (where the skaters' shadows play) at 5pm, ok?

thank you

Bibia said...

fine with me, but where are the others?

ramyo said...


tisch said...

so I'll let you now: pfa, 5pm, ok.

ramyo said...

we need juliette, is she going to be a no show again?

Juliette said...

de 5 a 6 je peux, apres, plus dur.
Ca fait Deuxs emines qhe je suis pas aller a la capoeira et j'aimerai bien y faire un tour.
ca suffira, une heure de moi?

ramyo said...

faudra qu'on se depeche quoi....