Sunday, November 05, 2006



tisch said...

Do you still invite for tonight?

For everybody: share a laugh at

Juliette said...

I would have liked to have you all here, but since I had no responses I assumed you were all busy tonight. Did I assume wrong? I shall be more assertive next time then!
What are the plans for next week end? If we plan this in advance,I'm sure it'll work for the best. Plus, we next week end we get an extra day is the perfect occasion to plan something awsome.
See you soon

ramyo said...

desole pour manque de reponse, comme tu sais je suis tres occupe avec ma copine qui visite... mais je vous invite tous a faire la fete, jeudi, a san francisco (meme endroit que la derniere fois...) et pour dimanche, ca marche pour moi... et puis bibia rentre donc il faut feter ca!