Tuesday, June 05, 2007

image description

a mother and her child, on the platform in a rush. she carries a backpack, in one hand a bag, her daughter's hand in the other. the little girl in a sky-blue dress over which she wears a frilled white apron. her long, blond hair wound across her head in braids; blue eyes catch a glimpse of mine in the adjacent train, camera out of reach.
nürnberg, june 4th. back in germany.

5 days without w-lan. but i don't think we're slower over here. it's just another pace. a loving, peaeceful one.
weimar, june 5th. via the free wireless one can catch under the trees in front of the café which was once Goethe's first apartment in weimar.


Bibia said...

you are a genius.

Nico said...


Juliette said...

In the cafe serie: a man drinking coffee in front of me. Muddy Waters on Valencia. tatoo on the left shoulder.long hair.has an extra hardrive & head phones. i m sure he is editing. bright sunny. weird pink building with fire escape staricases. facing me. san francisco.