Friday, March 02, 2007

A friend of my friend is my friend


my friend Anna who is from France but lives in Mexico right now to do her PhD will be in Berkeley for a week starting tomorrow. She will be attending a workshop at the university.
Is there any chance any of you could show her the good stuff on campus?

Love to you all


Bibia said...

If you want to contact her:
or call at my house 510 843 9687

Nico said...

Oh my god i thought nobody was using the blog anymore.
I have my only midterm this week and it's crazy as hell, for a very tough art history class, i'm studying day and night, i don't think ill be doing anything else, im sorry!

ramyo said...

(bon vu que j'ai plus d'amis ici je peux essayer, et puis j'ai pas bouffer chez toi de puis trop longtemps...)

Juliette said...

pas de probleme, c'est crazy au niveau timing mais faisable, a partir de jeudi 6pm on peut aller se balader etc etc

tu lui donne mon mail? je la contacte? elle reste chez toi c'est ca, c'est quoi ton addresse a Berkeley deja..?

Bibia said...

Merci les amis!
Anna told me you contacted her, it is very sweet of you!

take pictures and put them on the blog!
